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So long ~ farewell

Autumn begins at 11:09 pm tonight; thus, I must bid farewell to my favorite flip flops until next summer........

Canon EOS 40D
1/250s f/7.1 at 100.0mm iso160 full exif

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Martha Albuquerque31-Oct-2010 09:58
cool image :) <3
slhoornstra25-Sep-2010 07:18
You could wear split toe socks? A lovely foot to be sure and very nice treatment! V
Rick Bricker23-Sep-2010 07:01
I love your trademark.....don't hurry fall....where I live we still haven't had summer!
Zoltán Balogh23-Sep-2010 04:59
Lol...nice capture Stephanie...Don't worry: summer will be here again soon!:) V
Cindi Smith23-Sep-2010 01:38
Not me...I'll be wearing them until we get colder....too danged hot to wear shoes with toes! :)
LynnH23-Sep-2010 01:16
I'll put up the white ones, but it is so hot here... we can wear 'em till Christmas! :) I have lots of colors that can go thru fall.
Pierre23-Sep-2010 00:26
Très beau traitement, beau travail! v
laine22-Sep-2010 23:41
You could buy those striped socks with toes & keep on wearing them a bit longer. :)
Fancy footwork Steph :))
Hank Vander Velde22-Sep-2010 23:14
Neat image Stephanie, but do keep those flip flops out for a while longer to help stretch Summer a bit.
Guest 22-Sep-2010 22:09
Oh so you must abide by those rules huh???? I don't think they apply down here in the warmer regions... :) Jv
J. Scott Coile22-Sep-2010 20:54
No more white shoes :-( Wait... they need to amend that when it is still almost 100 degrees down here.
Johnny JAG22-Sep-2010 19:17
It'll soon be summer again.
Jackdad22-Sep-2010 19:15
Maybe autumn will be late. :-)
Patricia Kay22-Sep-2010 19:13
Maybe you will belucky and have an Indian summer...great shot and treatment Steph...BV
Colin Storey22-Sep-2010 19:13
Nicely processed, autumn is much better for colour. v
Guest 22-Sep-2010 18:35
You could always light the fire and keep them on! :)
sue anne22-Sep-2010 17:48
Well I am still wearing mine, maybe til Saturday :)
Jim Coffman22-Sep-2010 16:18
I hate that for you!!! :)
Guest 22-Sep-2010 16:16
I see your wabbit has taken up residence on your nails with its friends. Nice treatment. V
Ann...22-Sep-2010 15:54
But not your nail polish I hope?! ;))
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