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Philip Game | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
My independent travels began in 1960s Tasmania, then took off with the Seventies Asian overland thing - now they call it a gap year - a consular posting in the United Arab Emirates and a stint as an adventure tour guide in South East Asia. Later, I survived a year branded as 'resident alien' in small-town Pennsylvania and then spent six months hiding from Britain's remorseless television licence inspectors. I've been locked in the medieval town hall tower of Tallinn, Estonia and stranded by monsoon rains in rural Malaysia, had my pocket picked in Naples and was detained by Soviet-era border guards - and wouldn't have missed any of it (well, almost).

I am a member of the Australian Society of Travel Writers. My articles and images have been published in 33 countries; here is my portfolio on Alamy images.

Barbara also enjoys documenting our home exchanges and other travels together on PBase.

The Pacific islands of Micronesia and Polynesia
:: The Pacific islands of Micronesia and Polynesia ::
Spain and Gibraltar (8 galleries)
:: Spain and Gibraltar (8 galleries) ::
Across the heart of Australia
:: Across the heart of Australia ::
Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei (10 galleries)
:: Malaysia, Singapore & Brunei (10 galleries) ::
Southern & Eastern Africa (6 galleries)
:: Southern & Eastern Africa (6 galleries) ::
Morocco and Tunisia (6 galleries)
:: Morocco and Tunisia (6 galleries) ::
Halfway to the Antarctic (4 galleries)
:: Halfway to the Antarctic (4 galleries) ::
Western Pacific, 2013 (9 galleries)
:: Western Pacific, 2013 (9 galleries) ::
Western Australia, the Golden West (6 galleries)
:: Western Australia, the Golden West (6 galleries) ::
Great Australian Beaches
:: Great Australian Beaches ::
Queensland, Sunshine State (8 galleries)
:: Queensland, Sunshine State (8 galleries) ::
Tasmania, my native island (12 galleries)
:: Tasmania, my native island (12 galleries) ::
Outback Australia (10 galleries)
:: Outback Australia (10 galleries) ::
Australians, one and all
:: Australians, one and all ::
1974, a year on the road - Part I, Roaming across Europe
:: 1974, a year on the road - Part I, Roaming across Europe ::
1974, a year on the road - Part II, Overland across Asia
:: 1974, a year on the road - Part II, Overland across Asia ::
Southeastern Australia (24 galleries)
:: Southeastern Australia (24 galleries) ::
China, including Tibet and Hong Kong (15 galleries)
:: China, including Tibet and Hong Kong (15 galleries) ::
Mongolia (4 galleries)
:: Mongolia (4 galleries) ::
Britain  (16 galleries)
:: Britain (16 galleries) ::
Thailand (10 galleries)
:: Thailand (10 galleries) ::
Arabian Gulf (4 galleries)
:: Arabian Gulf (4 galleries) ::
European Russia and Bulgaria (8 galleries)
:: European Russia and Bulgaria (8 galleries) ::
Russian Far East (5 galleries)
:: Russian Far East (5 galleries) ::
:: Switzerland ::
Germany and Austria, 2012-2017 (16 galleries)
:: Germany and Austria, 2012-2017 (16 galleries) ::
:: Seen...  ::
Czechia and Slovakia, 2015-2017
:: Czechia and Slovakia, 2015-2017 ::
India (14 galleries)
:: India (14 galleries) ::
Latin America (16 galleries)
:: Latin America (16 galleries) ::
Baltic beauties
:: Baltic beauties ::
Sri Lanka, 2016
:: Sri Lanka, 2016 ::
Crossing America, Summer 1995
:: Crossing America, Summer 1995 ::
Nepal (9 galleries)
:: Nepal (9 galleries) ::
Bhutan in 1985
:: Bhutan in 1985 ::
Scandinavia, 2014
:: Scandinavia, 2014 ::
Bruges and Flanders Fields, 2014 (6 galleries)
:: Bruges and Flanders Fields, 2014 (6 galleries) ::
Laos & Cambodia (10 galleries)
:: Laos & Cambodia (10 galleries) ::
Best people pix
:: Best people pix ::
Caucasus (5 galleries)
:: Caucasus (5 galleries) ::
Egypt (12 galleries)
:: Egypt (12 galleries) ::
Japan (6 galleries)
:: Japan (6 galleries) ::
Turkey (6 galleries)
:: Turkey (6 galleries) ::
Italy (12 galleries)
:: Italy (12 galleries) ::
Slovenia (3 galleries)
:: Slovenia (3 galleries) ::
Vietnam (6 galleries)
:: Vietnam (6 galleries) ::
Taiwan (5 galleries)
:: Taiwan (5 galleries) ::
France (2 galleries)
:: France (2 galleries) ::
Indonesia & East Timor (12 galleries)
:: Indonesia & East Timor (12 galleries) ::
Korea: from Seoul to the DMZ
:: Korea: from Seoul to the DMZ ::
:: Malta ::
Solomon Islands (5 galleries)
:: Solomon Islands (5 galleries) ::
Myanmar (Burma) (3 galleries)
:: Myanmar (Burma) (3 galleries) ::
Fiji Islands (5 galleries)
:: Fiji Islands (5 galleries) ::
Santa Fe, New Mexico
:: Santa Fe, New Mexico ::
Home exchanges, worldwide
:: Home exchanges, worldwide ::
:: masks ::
What lies within?
:: What lies within? ::
The World on Wheels
:: The World on Wheels ::
Published images - Philip Game
:: Published images - Philip Game ::
Family memories from the archives
:: Family memories from the archives ::