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Philip Game | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Outback Australia (10 galleries) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Outback Australia (10 galleries)

The Outback appears on no map, rather, it is a state of mind…

Most images were taken with Nikon D200 (10 mpx) or Nikon D70 (6.3 mpx) in RAW format, earlier ones as 35mm transparency. All are available for licensing.

Tiwi Islands
:: Tiwi Islands ::
Simpson Desert
:: Simpson Desert ::
Darwin and Australia's 'Top End'
:: Darwin and Australia's 'Top End' ::
Highlights of Central Australia
:: Highlights of Central Australia ::
The MacDonnell Ranges
:: The MacDonnell Ranges ::
Around The Alice
:: Around The Alice ::
Outback Queensland
:: Outback Queensland ::
Darling River Run, NSW
:: Darling River Run, NSW ::
The Wimmera and Mallee country of NW Victoria
:: The Wimmera and Mallee country of NW Victoria ::
On the road in Australia's Northern Territory outback, 1975
:: On the road in Australia's Northern Territory outback, 1975 ::