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Tom Talbot | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> California Back Roads - 7 Galleries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

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California Back Roads - 7 Galleries

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We were so busy with brand new babies for most of our five years living in California, that there are very few photo journeys compared to what there should be. Some of these are actually made after we moved away.
Fall Colors 2005
Fall Colors 2005
California Valley Sunrise
California Valley Sunrise
Back Roads Trip to Lick Observatory
Back Roads Trip to Lick Observatory
Yosemite October 05
Yosemite October 05
Yosemite October 04
Yosemite October 04
Yosemite March 03
Yosemite March 03
Yosemite July 2002
Yosemite July 2002