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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Moselle River >> Trier, Germany > View from the Porta Nigra to the City
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15-Dec-2021 T.A.LeRoy

View from the Porta Nigra to the City

Trier, Germany

Being there middle in the week, the town was not busy and it was safe to do some window shopping
and get a bit of the Christmas Spirit by the scent of ginger and mulled wine.

Canon EOS RP ,Canon RF 16mm f/2.8 STM
1/500s f/2.8 at 16.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Irene Wehrli24-Feb-2022 10:52
A masterpiece, Tom!
barbarajoy14-Jan-2022 04:09
Perfect! I agree with Jeff! V
janescottcumming26-Dec-2021 20:05
Such pretty framing. V
Jeff Real24-Dec-2021 14:17
This is a wonderful scene to behold!
I would love to be there for Christmas!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Dec-2021 12:21
Excellent in all ways.V
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