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6-Aug-2013 T.A.LeRoy

Trier, Germany

The Porta Nigra is a large Roman city gate in Trier, Germany.
It is today the largest Roman city gate north of the Alps and has been designated
a World Heritage Site. (Wikipedia)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dan Greenberg06-Jan-2015 15:41
Wow - it is really impressive no matter which way you look at it. Excellent capture! ~BV~
Frank Brault31-Aug-2013 16:00
A what a wonderful feeling of history and fine presentation! V
Dennis Hoyne30-Aug-2013 02:24
The architecture and associated history is so interesting. Thanks for sharing.
Guest 29-Aug-2013 20:42
Very impressive gate, V!
Zoltán Balogh29-Aug-2013 19:25
I like it Tom! V
janescottcumming29-Aug-2013 15:33
What a great shot of this neat old gate! V
Bryan Murahashi29-Aug-2013 14:40
Wonderful capture of this large gate. V
Brings back memories of my visit to Trier.
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