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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Moselle River >> Trier, Germany > "Can I Help??"
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20-Jul-2014 T.A.LeRoy

"Can I Help??"

Trier, Germany

Sony Cyber-shot RX100
1/250s f/5.6 at 37.1mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Arthur Lebacq27-Oct-2020 11:39
A lovely and wonderful candid....perfectly timed....nicely done....V
Maxim Popykin06-Mar-2019 21:29
Great timing. V
GaleriaFotoStefan22-Feb-2019 14:16
Great capture of such street moment! V
Fabienne19-Feb-2019 21:42
Une photo faite au bon moment, c’est très amusant.
Stefan Filla01-Nov-2018 17:39
Amazing street photo :-) ~V~
Dov28-Oct-2018 02:55
Beautiful picture moment.
Great picture of a very rare car.
Dov, Sunny California
Zoltán Balogh14-Mar-2018 15:27
What a great candid, perfect timing. V
Jeff Real10-Mar-2018 15:28
What an amazing moment!
Buz Kiefer08-Mar-2018 22:18
LOL. Great candid and funny moment. V
barbarajoy07-Mar-2018 21:37
Such a great sight and shot! What on earth is he trying to do? Your caption is lovely. V
Guest 07-Mar-2018 18:25
Heck, why not just pick it up and carry it ?
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal07-Mar-2018 07:26
Tou capture a beautiful moment, well done Tom.
Gill Kopy07-Mar-2018 02:42
Oh dear ! my laugh of the day - I bet he's glad it's not a Cadillac !! V
Martin Lamoon06-Mar-2018 20:31
Fits anywhere!
Chris Picard06-Mar-2018 20:10
She might be able to push that one all by herself. A fun image Tom.
Pepe Lugash06-Mar-2018 20:05
You can park these things anywhere but this is ridiculous! :-) BV
bill friedlander06-Mar-2018 19:14
Man Vs machine. Looks like man has the upper hand. V
danad06-Mar-2018 16:43
A great candid ! V.
marie-jose wolff06-Mar-2018 15:23
very funny street scene! V
Ceya06-Mar-2018 14:35
Right place, right moment! Apt title. V
Fong Lam06-Mar-2018 13:57
A delightful candid the clarity and colors..V
Pierre Martin06-Mar-2018 11:59
eazy to park at the terrasse, very funny picture!
Marcia Colelli06-Mar-2018 11:35
Excellent candid capture. Nice to be able to push your car into a tight parking place. LOL V
Yvonne06-Mar-2018 11:08
What a gorgeous story this tells! v
Paco López06-Mar-2018 05:16
Great candid here! V!
Guest 05-Mar-2018 21:22
Smile! ... you're on "Candid Camera"!
laine05-Mar-2018 21:04
Gave me a big smile....he could pick it up and carry it LOL. Superb timing, Tom. V
1moremile05-Mar-2018 21:02
That's pretty funny. It couldn't be much harder than a motorcycle to push. V.
Colin Storey05-Mar-2018 20:08
A wonderful image and perfect title to go with it.
peterjay4505-Mar-2018 19:54
Excellent capture, Tom, and a perfect title.
Don Mottershead05-Mar-2018 18:14
The siege will soon be over now that the battering ram has been put into action!
Walter Otto Koenig05-Mar-2018 17:04
One of the advantages of the Isetta is that you can man handle it around. Great street shot Tom. I like the title too. "V"
Nestor Derkach05-Mar-2018 16:56
Great shot a nice way to park a car perfectly..
Guess the young girls is getting her first lesson
on parking.
Tack sharp shot exposed perfectly.
Nice candid indeed.
John Hamers05-Mar-2018 16:50
Superb candid, Welll chosen title !!!V
cobler05-Mar-2018 15:59
Nice catch with this candid, Tom.... looks like he is trying to take it into the cafe with him....V
Chris Morton05-Mar-2018 15:57
it looks as if she could indeed help suggesting he goes in the other direction
Helen Betts05-Mar-2018 15:47
What a great candid! Doesn't look like it should take that much effort to move a tiny car like that! V.
Céline Leclerc05-Mar-2018 15:43
Hihi! J’en veux une :-)
Jim Coffman05-Mar-2018 15:40
A great candid and a very fitting title, Tom!
globalgadabout05-Mar-2018 15:34
how sympathetic a scene, and the girl adds a vibrant your title, and the vivid red of the Isetta..
Dan Greenberg05-Mar-2018 15:32
Great catch Tom. An excellent story telling image. ~BV~
Neil Marcus05-Mar-2018 15:32
A fine candid of the predicament and the two subjects. "VV"
Jackdad05-Mar-2018 15:26
Cute little car. :-)
Marcia Rules05-Mar-2018 15:23
Very sweet and a moment to savor for a long time! V
Tom Munson05-Mar-2018 15:22
Nice find and capture, Tom. I wonder if he's parking it.
Nick Paoni05-Mar-2018 15:15
What a great street capture. Not sure, but maybe the two together could pick it up and carry it.
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