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Tom LeRoy | all galleries >> Galleries >> Insects, Beetles, and other Crawling Critters >
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21-Aug 2013 T.A.LeRoy

Tiny Green Hopper

Sigma DP3 Merrill
1/320s f/6.3 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Michael Tauber22-Jul-2014 08:47
Great macro.
Frank Brault27-Aug-2013 18:25
A fabulous macro with amazing detail! Love the shades of green. V
Guest 26-Aug-2013 21:07
Beautiful details & shades of green, V!
Marcia Colelli26-Aug-2013 13:41
Excellent close up details. V
Carol Rollins26-Aug-2013 04:44
Excellent details and light. Great macro shot Tom. ~
janescottcumming25-Aug-2013 22:28
Great details on this Hopper! V
Rick Bricker25-Aug-2013 21:01
Fantastic macro of this hopper Tom.WOW! BV
ac25-Aug-2013 16:29
Good macro shot Tom.
SunBeam25-Aug-2013 16:21
Great shot! V
Irene Wehrli25-Aug-2013 16:11
Spectacular presentation of this tiny hopper - with great impact!
Sam_C25-Aug-2013 08:01
Fantastic! V++
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