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Tom Backlund | profile | all galleries >> Drongos; Treepies; Malkhoas; Crows; Coucals >> New Pix tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

New Pix

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Pacific Reef Egret
Pacific Reef Egret
Oriental Plover
Oriental Plover
Lesser Crested Tern
Lesser Crested Tern
Dark-necked Tailorbird
Dark-necked Tailorbird
Burmese Shrike
Burmese Shrike
Siberian Stonechat
Siberian Stonechat
Pied Kingfisher
Pied Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher
White-throated Kingfisher
Asian Openbill
Asian Openbill
Jerdon's Baza
Jerdon's Baza
Grey-faced Buzzard
Grey-faced Buzzard
Oriental Honey Buzzard
Oriental Honey Buzzard
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