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11-OCT-2010 Cindy Flood

Mill Pond Gate Wheel


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Guest 14-Oct-2010 01:41
This a really nicely balanced composition.
Rudi 13-Oct-2010 13:47
Great photo, taken with a great camera. Love the play of light and shadow on the mechanical parts.
Cindi Smith12-Oct-2010 20:54
Nice....looks pretty modern. Good composition!
Alex Millar 12-Oct-2010 20:42
A perfect calendar shot, Cindy,very nice!
Pat Nighswander 12-Oct-2010 19:47
Great framing to make a common scene interesting.
Frank Kavanagh Photography12-Oct-2010 19:18
A lovely shot Cindy, great framing.
Jim Stiles12-Oct-2010 19:07
Excellent detail in the wheel and components! I notice they have a lock on this; must have an understanding of what little boys would like to do! ;)

Terry 12-Oct-2010 15:45
A very artistic composition, Cindy. Beautifully done!
Michael Edwards12-Oct-2010 14:06
Whew, sweet little Rollei 35 and even sweeter scan.
Gotta still be actively shhoting film to appreciate the tech aspects of this process, IMO.
That's a nice lens in that little box.
hal 12-Oct-2010 12:31
The way you have framed this photo is excellent Cindy.
Certainly it was not an obvious choice.
lt is original and very pleasing.