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13-OCT-2010 Cindy Flood

Wisconsin Sumac


In keeping with the fall theme that those of us celebrating/enjoying the fall season seem to have going today. Unfortunately, the fall color is fading fast in the north woods of Wisconsin.

Leica M9 ,Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/25 ZM
1/1500s f/2.8 at 24.0mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Cindi Smith 18-Oct-2010 04:19
Nice shot. Love all the different colors and textures. Sweet composition too!
Frank Kavanagh Photography15-Oct-2010 17:08
Lovely shot Cindy, Like Pete, I'm surprised that your fall colours are nearly gone.
Pete Hemington14-Oct-2010 16:26
Nice the way these themes spontaneously evolve.
But strange that you say Autumn colours are nearly over, we are waiting for the bulk of the trees to start changing here in South UK.
Terry 14-Oct-2010 05:34
Love the composition, Cindy. Definitely eye candy.
Pat Nighswander 14-Oct-2010 04:53
Wonderful light on this view of Autumn with great atmosphere.
hal 14-Oct-2010 04:26
This is rustic and charming, Cindy.
l can't help imagining that those are a host of dragon flies.
Just lovely
Michael Edwards14-Oct-2010 02:05
Ms. Flood, we REALLY must shoot together sometime. Now that everyone thinks that we do anyway...
I love this shot, and the brilliance of the colors.
Pretty nice little camera you have there, young lady!