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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte - Strictly amateur | all galleries >> Galleries >> candid >
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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte

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Apostolos Tikopoulos11-Apr-2024 15:18
A fine portrait! V
Tom LeRoy10-Apr-2024 20:46
Wonderful candid catch! V
Fong Lam08-Apr-2024 08:26
Perfect timing in this delightful the expression and bokeh...V
joseantonio07-Apr-2024 03:35
nice timing and capture.V.
globalgadabout07-Apr-2024 00:18
you got a good reaction from her, and were quick enough to grab it...she stands out well from the colourful backdrop..
Walter Otto Koenig06-Apr-2024 21:38
Great candid. Well timed and a nice depth of field. "V"