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Ronny Van Eeckhoutte - Strictly amateur | all galleries >> Galleries >> candid >
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Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S
1/250s f/6.3 at 35.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Fong Lam18-Apr-2024 12:45
That's a beautiful classic....excellent view point and nice busy backdrop....V
janescottcumming17-Apr-2024 21:40
Whoa, that's a cool car!
Walter Otto Koenig17-Apr-2024 21:13
Great shot with this perspective, lighting, and background. I really like the car and the buildings in the background. "V"
globalgadabout17-Apr-2024 21:11
a fine shot in difficult circumstances...such an amazing car, as appealing as a warm hug for sure..