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thechebb | all galleries >> Galleries >> A2 Gallery > SHURI CASTLE BLUE.jpg
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I punched the colors in this image in Photoshop to get the super saturated blue sky.

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2
1/100s f/5.6 at 200.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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ac23-Mar-2009 09:05
Impressive sky, and colors.
Gonzalo Garcia de Viedma25-May-2008 18:51
Nice edition !!
Maxim Popykin13-Mar-2007 13:09
WOW capture! V
Guest 22-Apr-2006 12:19
God, chebb... this is superb.............. V
Helen Betts06-Oct-2005 22:37
Really unusual (and striking) shot of Shurijo. Nice work!
