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All Cameras >> Minolta >> Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2 Digital Camera Sample Photos

Marketed: 09-Feb-2004
Megapixels: 8
Random Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2 Samples from 22068 available Photos more
v3/90/140690/3/46720949.Romania2005_PICT7256.jpg u49/skarsk/medium/35670441.PICT0945.jpg v3/11/495711/3/49020337.PICT0102B.jpg u20/anka99/medium/36512724.PICT1138.jpg
g1/97/332397/3/112416149.ofsw3Dsw.jpg u49/skarsk/medium/35669936.PICT0667.jpg g6/27/18327/3/72797209.pw7VUfUS.jpg g1/36/752936/3/105411218.w797Zi6H.jpg
g3/53/8353/3/95980952.guBvxZUI.jpg g3/73/569773/3/56547523.20050727013mumbaisharpeningtoolshh.jpg g6/36/752936/3/84329659.UstwUyDr.jpg u43/merriwolf/medium/28303087.MuseumofCivilization1172.jpg

Guest 18-Aug-2007 10:45
I bought this camera about 2 years ago for $800. This little thing still amaze me and I bring it along on shooting in my bag... It's a good bridge with my D200.
Slug03-Apr-2004 21:25
Lots of information at the MTF Ax FAQ

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