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thechebb | all galleries >> Galleries >> A2 Gallery > DAISY'S STRANGE POSE NO. 1.jpg
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This past summer our cat , Daisy started to pose herself like this - which my wife and I find to be hilarious - she likes to pose under the AC vent in our home when it's running. I'm wondering if all cats do this.....

Konica-Minolta DiMAGE A2
1/320s f/9.0 at 176.0mm iso100 full exif

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Roland04-Sep-2014 09:37
Our cat does the same thing. Love the way the front paws fold as they do. Nice shot.
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)03-Jun-2008 17:51
Yes!I love cats and then vote!
Looking also for my Gallery,Your comments will be appreciated!!
Guest 20-Sep-2006 23:10
That's nice :-) I've noticed it too when I had a cat. I allways thought it was because she had eaten too much and wanted to loosen the belt, so to say.... or maybe she's just imitating you :-) She thinks: 'That's a funny pose he's got there. Maybe I'll try that out too?' Cat's are clever some times, you know. My cat climbed way up in the trees and couldn't get down, so she started to scream. So we developed a show for the neighbors, where I stood on top of the tallest ladder, with a broom on which I had attached a towell firmly. She would then jump and cling to the towell, and I lowered the broom to my level... all the neighbors would applaus and we would take a bow :-)
Guest 20-Feb-2006 09:19
haha, very cute! and yes, my cats would do this in summer time as well, I guess it's one of their ways to lower body heat!