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Tom Grey | profile | all galleries >> North American Birds by Type >> Songbirds >> Sparrows tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


New World sparrows, except for Juncos and Towhees, which have their own galleries
Rufous-winged Sparrows
gallery: Rufous-winged Sparrows
Rufous-crowned Sparrows
gallery: Rufous-crowned Sparrows
Chipping Sparrows
gallery: Chipping Sparrows
Clay-colored Sparrows
gallery: Clay-colored Sparrows
Brewer's Sparrows
gallery: Brewer's Sparrows
Field Sparrows
gallery: Field Sparrows
Black-chinned Sparrows
gallery: Black-chinned Sparrows
Vesper Sparrows
gallery: Vesper Sparrows
Bell's Sparrows
gallery: Bell's Sparrows
Lark Buntings
gallery: Lark Buntings
Lark Sparrows
gallery: Lark Sparrows
Black-throated Sparrows
gallery: Black-throated Sparrows
Savannah Sparrows
gallery: Savannah Sparrows
Grasshopper Sparrows
gallery: Grasshopper Sparrows
Nelson's Sparrows
gallery: Nelson's Sparrows
Fox Sparrows
gallery: Fox Sparrows
Song Sparrows
gallery: Song Sparrows
Lincoln's Sparrows
gallery: Lincoln's Sparrows
White-crowned Sparrows
gallery: White-crowned Sparrows
Golden-crowned Sparrows
gallery: Golden-crowned Sparrows
White-throated Sparrows
gallery: White-throated Sparrows
Harris's Sparrows
gallery: Harris's Sparrows
Rustic Buntings
gallery: Rustic Buntings
Olive Sparrow
Olive Sparrow
Olive Sparrow
Olive Sparrow
Olive Sparrow
Olive Sparrow
Cassin's Sparrow, singing
Cassin's Sparrow, singing
Bachman's Sparrow, singing male
Bachman's Sparrow, singing male
Bachman's Sparrow, singing male
Bachman's Sparrow, singing male
Botteri's Sparrow, singing
Botteri's Sparrow, singing
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
American Tree Sparrow
Saltmarsh Sparrow, flying
Saltmarsh Sparrow, flying
Swamp Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow