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Tom Grey | all galleries >> Birds -- Favorites >> Top Favorites > Forster's Terns, adults mid-air battle
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12-JUN-2005 Tom Grey

Forster's Terns, adults mid-air battle

Shoreline Lake, Mountain View

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 300mm f/4L IS USM
1/4000s f/5.0 at 300.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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LT Jaeger30-Jun-2010 21:37
Wow, amazing photo, one of your very best in an outstanding gallery.
wildoat04-Oct-2007 15:54
that is a supreme photo.
Guest 02-Feb-2007 16:25
Love the shape the birds are in, great shot. Thanks ~ Clare
Carole Stevens26-Jul-2006 20:11
Stunning timing everthing sharp Great shot!
Peter Ericsson11-May-2006 13:07
This is a total cracker. What action, what light, how crisp!
nicolebouglouan28-Apr-2006 16:40
Stunning picture Tom! I do agree with Bob Moul, it's amazing!
Bob Moul25-Mar-2006 13:22
Don't know how you do it, Tom. Super capture!
Simon Tan28-Oct-2005 14:48
What a perfect action shot!
georgef819-Jul-2005 07:43
An awsome capture - hope to run into you at Palo Alto Baylands again some time!
Denise Wight 08-Jul-2005 22:44
This image is one of my favorites. The lighting, spatial qualities, and the tension between the two birds is fantastic and conveys a lot of energy. You have definitely captured the "decisive moment" here.