Top Favorites
 Hooded Merganser, male, with crayfish, |
 Clark's Grebes, courting |
 Great Crested Grebe |
 Anhingas, adult female and nestling |
 Snowy Egret |
 Great Egret fish catch 1 |
 Great Egrets, adult with three nestlings |
 Great Blue Herons, bill clapping |
 Roseate Spoonbills, males fighting |
 Osprey |
 American Avocets, standing flock |
 Black Oystercatchers, mating |
 Forster's Terns, adults mid-air battle |
 Black Skimmer, skimming |
 Bonaparte's Gull, foraging |
 Sandhill Cranes against Mount Diablo at dusk |
 California Quail, pair |
 Anna's Hummingbirds, mating |
 Anna's Hummingbird, male, with message* |
 Booted Racket-tail, male |
 Scarlet Macaw |
 Western Bluebird, male on elderberry bush |
 Lazuli Bunting, singing male |
 American Goldfinch, male |
 Cerulean Warbler, male taking off |
 Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, male flying |
 Black-crowned Night-Heron, with nesting material |
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