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Kees Terberg | all galleries >> Portraits: everyone is beautiful >> Portraits and People snaps (Black and White) > Noelia
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It was freezing, outdoors as well as indoors.
This was Le Chalet Hotel in the heart of winter.
Noelia was waiting for me to get my equipment
sorted and get the portable radiator hooked up
to the battery. Yeah, whatever is needed for a
session in a freezing hotel. The temperature still
remained low and the radiator never beats the
appropriate modelling temperature of summer on a
beach or any proper studio setting. In the name of art...

Contax RTS ,Planar 50mm F1.7

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 11-Jan-2006 16:55
the setting is nice. very natural shot.

and lovely camera too :)

Dennis Steinauer10-Jan-2006 06:29
You surely pick some interesting locations for your photo shoots -- and must have some very trusting models (not to mention chilly). :-) Look forward to seeing the results of this shoot -- lots of goosebumps?
carol j. phipps10-Jan-2006 01:43
Effective!!! Very nice story picture. Journalistic.
BAS Photography10-Jan-2006 01:03
WOW! ... Indeed, in the name of art... Lovely composition despite conditions you got there!