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Kees Terberg | all galleries >> Portraits: everyone is beautiful >> Portraits and People snaps (Black and White) > Cuban Portraits
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Cuban Portraits

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Pedro Libório05-Nov-2006 20:12
great street environment!!!
Chris Thomas14-Jan-2006 19:56
6 Assasination attempts and Castro is still standing strong. Good use of grain.
BAS Photography13-Jan-2006 23:46
I don't like the communism, I just get rid of it 15 years ago, but somehow weird maybe, I feel I want to hug those people, they resist more than me in that kind of life... I wonder what will happen with them after Castro won't be in this life. BTW, can Castro be imortal? LOL.... we will see...
Chris07-Jan-2006 22:01
Excellent street shot.