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Tom Conelly | profile | all galleries >> Four Corners: US Southwest - 20+ galleries >> Organ Mountains, southern New Mexico tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Monument Valley, AZ | Las Vegas 2013 | Historic Town of Mesilla, New Mexico | Historic New Mexico | Organ Mountains, southern New Mexico | Skies of New Mexico | Bosque del Apache Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico | Mesilla Valley Bosque State Park, New Mexico | City of Rocks State Park, New Mexico | Rodeo - Women's Barrel Racing, Las Cruces (2010) | White Sands National Monument, New Mexico | Chiricahua National Monument, Arizona (2010) | Utah National Parks | Silver City, New Mexico | El Paso Zoo (Panasonic FZ 150) | Southwest Cemeteries | San Juan Mountains, Colorado (2011) | Mesa Verde N.P., Colorado (2011) | Taos Pueblo, New Mexico | Raft the Rio 2010, Las Cruces New mexico | Raft the Rio, New Mexico, May 2009 | Tortugas: Our Lady of Guadalupe | Three Rivers Petroglyph Site, New Mexico | Mesilla House 2009

Organ Mountains, southern New Mexico

The Organ Mountains are located to the east of the city of Las Cruces in southern New Mexico. Las Cruces is in 'high desert' country at an elevation of about 4000 ft. (1220 m.) and receives an average of about 8-10" (250 mm) of rain per year. The highest peaks of the Organ Mountains reach to 8800 ft.(2682 m) and in some years get snow during the winter.

We have an unobstructed view of the Organ Mountains from our house located on the west side of the Mesilla Valley.

For more photos of the Organ Mountains see:

Click to view map of Organ Mountains and the Las Cruces region
Rainbow mist in front of Organ Mountains g1/56/151956/3/131281181.tQPTAKp9.jpg g1/56/151956/3/131278017.Dnf1eWUw.jpg As the day ends -- from our house across the Mesilla Valley Dust rising from a pecan orchard at sunset Organ Mountains behind mist and clouds
Misty clouds obscure the Organ Mountains Misty clouds over the Organ Mountains g1/56/151956/3/129750709.3eUuY6Le.jpg g1/56/151956/3/129671360.mwUAJ0bb.jpg g1/56/151956/3/129648062.AvlVHIYD.jpg Storm brewing at sunset over Organ Mountains
Sunset on Organ Mountains from Soledad (Barr) Canyon Trail Sunset on Organ Mountains from Soledad (Barr) Canyon Trail Sunset on Organ Mountains from Soledad (Bar) Canyon Trail Sunset on Organ Mountains from Soledad (Bar) Canyon Trail Extraordinary sunset #1 over Organ Mountains, New Mexico Extraordinary sunset #2 over Organ Mountains, New Mexico
g3/56/151956/3/120927354.8lpaUlA6.jpg Organ Mountains over Las Cruces, NM g3/56/151956/3/122044962.slVaubw4.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122048856.3GdLUv6J.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122069070.p8itpewI.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122100799.r2oVy54N.jpg
g3/56/151956/3/122123066.AiPUzoHx.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122155205.JJilYDI2.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122127050.qnNZaZFX.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122161992.ZGJXAywc.jpg Organ Mountains in the snow after sunset Organ Mountains from the Rio Grande near Mesilla, NM
Organ Mountains from the Rio Grande near Mesilla, NM Organ Mountains from the Rio Grande near Mesilla, NM Organ Mountains after summer rains from our house near Mesilla, NM Organ Mountains after summer rains from our house near Mesilla, NM Organ Mountains at sunset from our house near Mesilla, NM Organ Mountains from our house near Mesilla, NM
Sunrise behind the Organ Mountains from near Mesilla, NM Sunrise behind the Organ Mountains from near Mesilla, NM The city of Las Cruces, NM in valley beneath the Organ Mountains Organ Mountains from bridge over Rio Grande along Shalem Colony Rd. Moon over Organ Mountains at sunset Sunset on Organ Mountains
Storm clouds over the Organ Mountains after sunset Moon rise behind Organ Mountains #1 Moon rise behind Organ Mountains #2 White-winged doves enjoying sunset on Organ Mountains Arroyo view of Organ Mountains First snow of the season
Early season snow on Organ Mountains Snow covered Organ Mountains from the Rio Grande East side of the Organ Mountains at Aguirre Springs, elevation  c. 5500 ft. (1675 m) g3/56/151956/3/120961229.UogN2geh.jpg Heavy snow in Organ Mountains above Las Cruces, NM g3/56/151956/3/121999217.jyAnVpXQ.jpg
Farm fields in Mesilla framed by the Organ Mountains g3/56/151956/3/120519302.i03qOZMT.jpg g3/56/151956/3/120520950.L1qX9nq3.jpg g3/56/151956/3/120524427.TpvC7tIm.jpg g3/56/151956/3/120529303.kNL4pUoP.jpg g3/56/151956/3/120538460.q4X7LgZK.jpg
Organ Mountains from trail in Dripping Springs area View west toward Las Cruces from Dripping Springs area of Organ Mountains Approach to Soledad Canyon trail in Organ Mountains Organ Mountains along the Soledad Canyon trail Organ Mountains along the Soledad Canyon trail Organ Mountains from start of Soledad Canyon trail
Historic ruins at Dripping Springs in Organ Mountains Crop Duster spraying farm fields in Mesilla Valley with Organ Mountains in background Morning fog along Rio Grande valley View from Hermit's Cave g3/56/151956/3/121999216.CpJ9yJ7n.jpg g3/56/151956/3/122011758.ehXYq0zG.jpg
Sunset on Organ Mountains from Achenback Canyon trail Organ Mountains along Achenback Canyon trail g3/56/151956/3/124498179.1cwstwq3.jpg g3/56/151956/3/124498655.1wNLcnd8.jpg g3/56/151956/3/124503907.M1QCd09R.jpg g3/56/151956/3/125388847.cafO3Mse.jpg
June - beginning of the monsoon season Morning fog in the Mesilla Valley Morning fog in the Mesilla Valley Morning fog in the Mesilla Valley g1/56/151956/3/126526109.1ejBvmU1.jpg g1/56/151956/3/126843092.s45cNdIQ.jpg
After the storm After the storm After the storm After the storm After the storm Sunset over the (southern) Organ Mountains