This Super nova Remnant (SNR) is the remains of a star that exploded about 8000 years ago...
The entire Veil nebula is over 3 degrees in the sky (area of 36 full moons...) - you can see here my image of the entire nebula:
This image shows only a small part of the Western section.
This DEEP image shows the fine inner structures of the SNR blast near the middle star,
And also the faint (rarely seen) outer shell of this violent blast.
Ha for 4 HRS (bin 1)
O3,S2 - 1 Hr each (bin 2)
RGB - 20 min per color (bin 2)
Total of 7 HRS
Imaged with the 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph.
Apogee Alta U-16M camera.
Imaged from Tivoli farm in Namibia June 2019