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The Dark Doodad Nebula is a dark nebula located near the globular cluster NGC 4372, having a length of nearly three degrees of arc.
Although officially unnamed, this long molecular cloud has come to be known under this name. It can be found in the southern constellation of Musca (the Fly) with strong binoculars.

This cloud consists of regions of dense gas and dust, and is one of the closest star forming regions to the Solar System.
It was described in Sky & Telescope as one of the finest dark nebulae—one that is "wonderful, winding, and very definite."
Just to the east of the southern end of the Dark Doodad is the globular cluster NGC 4372.[WIKI]

this is a composition of Six frame mosaic!
The total cropped view is about 4X3 Degrees

Each frame - 90 min lum bin 1
10 min each coror channel bin 2

120 min per frame
12 Hrs for the whole

The original frame is 12000X9000 pixels
This cropped image is also downgraded by the factor of 2

Imaged with the 16" f3.75 Dream Astrograph.
Apogee Alta U-16M camera.

Imaged from Tivoli farm in Namibia June 2019

Apogee USB/Net

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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