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Tachi | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> August 2006 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

In Box | This spring by Canon PowerShot S2 IS | The Spring Collection by Canon PowerShot S2 | Tulips world, Hitachi Seaside Park | Iris Garden, Itako-shi | Saint Isaac` Cathedral, St. Petersburg | The Peter and Paul Fortress, St.Petersburg | Church of the Saviour on the Spilled Blood, St.Petersburg | The Catherine Palace, St.Petersburg, Russia | Birds, Ibaraki | April 2006 | May 2006 | June 2006 | Streets and towns | July 2006 | Family | My Andrey's gallery | August 2006 | September 2006 | Japan as it is | August 2007 | Fall 2007 | Winter 2008 | Year 2009 in japanese alps | Year 2010 | Tsuchiura KIRARA festival in August 2012 | Alex in Tsukuba in 2014 | Around Tsuchiura city, Japan (日本国土浦市)

August 2006

A kind of PaD. To see other monthly shots click the name July, June, May, April
High in the sky
High in the sky
Street lamps
Street lamps
At twilight
At twilight
White waves
White waves
Young flowers
Young flowers
Gold sunset
Gold sunset
Highland meadow
Highland meadow
In moon light and ...
In moon light and ...
... at sunrise.
... at sunrise.
The viewing site
The viewing site
A turbulence
A turbulence
Neon light
Neon light
Fishing at yachting marine
Fishing at yachting marine
An artist
An artist
At rest
At rest
The gate
The gate
River side, Shiobara
River side, Shiobara