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The Eyes Have It

For this week's Totally Informal Transglobal Challenge - "The Eyes Have It" -

Canon PowerShot A95
1/60s f/2.8 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Sue Anne Rush26-Mar-2021 21:12
Beautiful eyes. V
Barry S Moore20-Jan-2008 06:49
A fine entry. The Film is just a bit grainy though!
Guest 20-Jan-2008 00:29
It comes to life. Great entry!
Guest 19-Jan-2008 19:06
is it from a Dutch painting? truly the eyes have it ...
Sheila19-Jan-2008 02:16
Excellent entry!
Dan Chusid19-Jan-2008 00:56
Hope you didn't steal that one from the museum!