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Canon PowerShot A95
0.80s f/2.8 at 7.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Guest 19-Aug-2011 23:50
This is great...I love the colors and the perceived negative spaces. Honor WIDP
Guest 10-Apr-2008 05:43
Interesting abstraction with nice colors!
sue anne25-Feb-2008 02:49
I like colors captured in this hot glow.
Guest 14-Jan-2008 23:56
Terrific shot!
Michael Shpuntov14-Jan-2008 23:55
Great close-up Love these bluish colors in the flames. Vote.
Guest 14-Jan-2008 18:56
great flame colours here
Sheila14-Jan-2008 13:30
Love those blue flames!
Maaike Huizer14-Jan-2008 13:20
Can feel the heat. Nice close-up.
Heidi Jonker14-Jan-2008 12:32
Great colours.
Phillip Normanton14-Jan-2008 07:55
Ouch, looks hot!
Guest 14-Jan-2008 06:36
Guest 14-Jan-2008 06:26
Beautiful colours!
Barbara Heide14-Jan-2008 04:49
Guest 14-Jan-2008 03:53
Great colors and contrast.
Russ Rose14-Jan-2008 02:22
Very nice. I like the colors, it makes it look real.