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strongmanmike2002 | all galleries >> Images taken prior to 2012 >> Nebulae >> Sarah's Nebula > Sarah's Nebula 2009 David Malin Award Winner
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Sarah's Nebula 2009 David Malin Award Winner

FULL FRAME IMAGE (66% full size)

** About this image **

This piece of delicate faint molecular dust lies in the direction of the otherwise pretty baron
South Celestial Pole region. Made up of the same materials found in our own bodies, it hovers
above the plain of the Milky Way and shines feebly by reflecting the light from the collective
emissions of millions of distant stars in our galaxy. There are also some distant galaxies visible
shining through the dust from millions of light years behind it - our Universe is vast!

Having only a catalogue number, I have named this nebula after my beautiful niece and God Daughter
Sarah Waugh. Sarah passed away in March 2009 at the tender age of just 18 in a horse riding
accident at Dubbo in Australia, while training to be a Jillaroo.

"May you float free in the vastness of space for eternity Sarah, ever carefree and happy in the
knowlege that you and this star dust are now one, just as we all will be"

We miss you Sarah

AP152 F7.5 Starfire APO refractor with 4" field flattener
FLI ProLine11002 CCD & CFW-2-7
LRGB = 6hrs 1hr 1hr 1hr (15min subs all bin 1X1) Astronomik filters
-35C chip temp, darks and flats (AstroHandy LightRing used for flats)
12MPPS download speed = 1.5sec/full frame download at bin 1X1.
FOV = 1.8deg X 1.2deg at 1.6"/pix
Guide Camera: Starlightxpress SXVH9

Taken from Bob and Pats farm
Taken over two nights in below average to poor seeing

Some links to equipment used to take this image:

Finger Lakes Instrumentation (FLI) CCD cameras and equipment:

StarlightXpress CCD cameras and equipment

Astro-Elecronic FS2 scope GOTO controller:

Gerd Neumann/Astronomik filters:

MSB Software & Astroart 4

STAR Atlas:PRO planetarium software

AstroHandy Accessories

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 29-May-2009 23:55
So beautiful and so vast...she is free now to explore and know how vast ..remember all her questions? Sarah we hope you are happy we miss you so much XXXX