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Sony Forums Challenges | all galleries >> Challenge 135: Shadows and Reflections (hosted by MFC & Fremiet) >> Challenge 135: Eligible > edit image
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22-JAN-2007 Jeffrey Lewis Knapp

solarized reflection
portrait of self *

by Jeffrey Lewis Knapp

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photo taken in the solarize mode!

Sony Mavica FD-100 ,actual camera FD-200
1/50s f/3.8 at 6.4mm iso100 with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Helen Betts23-Jan-2007 19:18
Creative effect, Jeff. Good idea! Helen
Sony Forums Challenges23-Jan-2007 01:02
Jeff, I like the interesting effect me it seems like a poster. I really like the layers of colors and the bright flash of light in the center. The way that the hands hold onto the "light" here really draws my attention. Neat effect, Jeff...and an interesting self portrait. MFC