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Challenge 135: Shadows and Reflections (hosted by MFC & Fremiet)

Challenge 135 is now CLOSED...thanks for all the fantastic photos!!

Fremiet & I WELCOME YOU to Challenge 135: 'Shadows and Reflections'.

The object of this challenge is to photograph interesting, unusual, or effective shadow(s) and/or reflection(s).
Subject choice & location is limited only by your imaginations. Please have fun and let the creative juices flow...
your photos and comments are what make the Challenges so FUN and EXCITING!

Challenge 135: Eligible
:: Challenge 135: Eligible ::
Challenge 135: Exhibition
:: Challenge 135: Exhibition ::
Challenge 135: Gallery Headers
:: Challenge 135: Gallery Headers ::
Challenge 135: Demo Folder
:: Challenge 135: Demo Folder ::
Eligible Hits
:: Eligible Hits ::
Exhibition Hits
:: Exhibition Hits ::