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stealthfti | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Misty Blue tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Misty Blue

This gallery is about another 1990 765 Turbowagon that I built up a tight squish B230FT motor for.

Each of the Turbowagons that I have done motors for has her own story.

Misty Blue came to me from a friend in New England [Thank You Mr. Eben!]. Although very well taken care of, the miles had begun to take their toll. At 204,000 miles, the motor overheated a couple of times, either resulting in or resulting from a blown head gasket.

What Misty Blue needed was a motor. I found a low mileage replacement because I wanted to do some different things in a tight squish build, to see the results, and to further my research on tight squish and fastburn.

This gallery is about that different motor build; and shows the things that were different from the prior builds.

This build did not involve new ET shallow dish pistons. I reused the stock FT deep dish pistons. I honed the cylinders by hand, and refitted the pistons, after they were knurled.

The squish was set at 30 thou. This resulted in a static compression ratio of just about 9.4:1....more than half a point higher than the stock SCR of 8.7:1 I wanted to see how the deep dish FT pistons would affect the squish effectiveness of my build; and how that might affect the octane requirements.

With an Acam installed and advanced 6 degrees, the 90+ manifold ported as on the other builds, the exhaust system opened up to 2.5in after the downpipe, and a watercooled Garrett T3 from a 240T located in the power seat, we would find out a few things.

***** As time permits, I will complete the text for the pics in the gallery, and possibly add a few more.
Misty Blue during the first road trip
Misty Blue during the first road trip
The block build  date
The block build date
Two of the oil flow constrictions
Two of the oil flow constrictions
the constrictions are corrected...
the constrictions are corrected...
the first constriction that the oil fights
the first constriction that the oil fights
Belling on number one's major thrust side
Belling on number one's major thrust side
the belling on number one's minor thrust side
the belling on number one's minor thrust side
they all have it
they all have it restore the clearance. restore the clearance.
after some emery cloth work
after some emery cloth work
plus 18 for some tighter squish
plus 18 for some tighter squish
the Schley in use
the Schley in use
going in and back together
going in and back together
a good morning in the Badlands
a good morning in the Badlands