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stealthfti | all galleries >> Galleries >> fuel pump power > inferior materials; substandard design
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inferior materials; substandard design

This is where the real problem occurs: inside....(that secret place where the smoke is kept).

Besides the plastic terminal deck melting and allowing the power output terminal to get loose, the circuit board is so small and crowded, and the copper strip that carries the current load is so thin and fragile, that over time, even a current load of under 9 amperes [well within limits] the copper strip and solder will overheat, oxidize, crack, and fail.

This pic shows where the failure occurs: right there at the 'top' of the "7" there on the upper right side. I did a temporary re-solder of the broken soldered connection just to see if the relay would function. It did, and then went into the scrap pile...after I took these pics.

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