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the valve train

Here are almost all of the parts of the valvetrain. Not shown are the camshaft, the four intake valve valve stem seals, and the eight rubber dampers that fit on the tops of the valve stems to cushion the tappets to reduce noise.

The four intake and four exhaust valves have been cleaned, visually inspected, dimensionally measured and compared to specs. The eight valves are ready to go: their valve guide clearances have all been checked and confirmed; and they have been carefully lapped to their seats.

The valve springs, lower seats, and upper retainers are new, and of the latest version.

The valve keepers, or "locks", are inspected and cleaned.

The lifter buckets, or "tappets", have also been cleaned and inspected.

The adjusting shims are clean and ready...and ready to be replaced to get the correct valve clearance once the head is fully assembled.

other sizes: small medium large auto
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