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Stephen Luk | profile | all galleries >> Entomology in Ecuador >> Pasochoa Forest Reserve (2011) >> Insects of Ecuador: Pasochoa >> Diptera of Pasochoa, Ecuador tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Diptera of Pasochoa, Ecuador

Flies of Ecuador: Prov. Pichincha, Pasochoa Cloud Forest Reserve.
For more Diptera from Ecuador, visit: Antisana | Bellavista | Pululahua | Sumaco | Sumak Kawsay | Tiputini | Yasuní
March Fly, Dilophus sp. (Bibionidae)
March Fly, Dilophus sp. (Bibionidae)
March Fly, Penthetria neonigrita (Bibionidae)
March Fly, Penthetria neonigrita (Bibionidae)
Crane Fly (Tipulidae)
Crane Fly (Tipulidae)
Flower Fly, Rhingia sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Rhingia sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Rhingia sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Rhingia sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Toxomerus nasutus (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Toxomerus nasutus (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Toxomerus sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Toxomerus sp. (Syrphidae)
Toxomerus cf. ecuadoreus (Syrphidae)
Toxomerus cf. ecuadoreus (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Platycheirus sp. (Syrphidae)
Flower Fly, Platycheirus sp. (Syrphidae)
Long-legged Fly (Dolichopodidae)
Long-legged Fly (Dolichopodidae)
Snipe Fly, Chrysopilus sp. (Rhagionidae)
Snipe Fly, Chrysopilus sp. (Rhagionidae)
Snipe Fly, Chrysopilus sp. (Rhagionidae)
Snipe Fly, Chrysopilus sp. (Rhagionidae)
Black Scavenger Fly (Sepsidae)
Black Scavenger Fly (Sepsidae)
Black Scavenger Fly (Sepsidae)
Black Scavenger Fly (Sepsidae)
Lesser Dung Fly, Sclerocoelus sp. (Sphaeroceridae)
Lesser Dung Fly, Sclerocoelus sp. (Sphaeroceridae)
Vinegar Fly (Drosophilidae)
Vinegar Fly (Drosophilidae)
Vinegar Flies, Zapriothrica sp. (Drosophilidae)
Vinegar Flies, Zapriothrica sp. (Drosophilidae)
Vinegar Fly (Drosophilidae)
Vinegar Fly (Drosophilidae)
Neotanypeza sp. (Tanypezidae)
Neotanypeza sp. (Tanypezidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Picture-winged Fly (Ulidiidae)
Root Maggot Fly, Anthomyia lindigii (Anthomyiidae)
Root Maggot Fly, Anthomyia lindigii (Anthomyiidae)
Parasitic Fly (Tachinidae)
Parasitic Fly (Tachinidae)
Hedgehog Fly (Tachinidae)
Hedgehog Fly (Tachinidae)