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My Family

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Henry Perrault Davenport
:: Henry Perrault Davenport ::
Harold and Joyce Davenport
:: Harold and Joyce Davenport ::
Schutz American School - Alexandria, Egypt
:: Schutz American School - Alexandria, Egypt ::
:: iraq ::
Steve & Mely Davenport Family 2004
Steve & Mely Davenport Family 2004
Jon & Deanna at UW
Jon & Deanna at UW
:: Lebanon ::
Jon, Tanny, Shaine
Jon, Tanny, Shaine
Bekah Davenport
Bekah Davenport
Davenport Kids 2001
Davenport Kids 2001
Jennifer and Rebekah selling peaches
Jennifer and Rebekah selling peaches
Bekah on Grandma's Lap
Bekah on Grandma's Lap
Bekah - ready to shop!
Bekah - ready to shop!
Jon, Tanny, Bekah 1983
Jon, Tanny, Bekah 1983
Tanny, Bekah, Jonathan 1988
Tanny, Bekah, Jonathan 1988
Pete Davenport makes new friend
Pete Davenport makes new friend
Dad at Squaw Rock 2001
Dad at Squaw Rock 2001
Tim & Marie Davenport Family
Tim & Marie Davenport Family
Pete & Sue Davenport Family
Pete & Sue Davenport Family
MacKenzie & Isaac
MacKenzie & Isaac
2 Davenport Girls
2 Davenport Girls
Princess Leah in Puerto Vallarta - December 2005
:: Princess Leah in Puerto Vallarta - December 2005 ::
Steve Davenport - March 1966, Alexandria, Egypt
Steve Davenport - March 1966, Alexandria, Egypt
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