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Steve Davenport | profile | all galleries >> My Family >> Harold and Joyce Davenport tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Harold and Joyce Davenport

Dad's Obituary
Dad's Obituary
Rev. Harold E. Davenport, Jr. 1922-2006
Rev. Harold E. Davenport, Jr. 1922-2006
Joyce & Harold Davenport 2003
Joyce & Harold Davenport 2003
50th Wedding Anniversary
:: 50th Wedding Anniversary ::
At Good Samaritan in Yakima
:: At Good Samaritan in Yakima ::
Dad at Squaw Rock 2001
Dad at Squaw Rock 2001
My Dad's Prayer Album
:: My Dad's Prayer Album ::
pete's family with HJ.jpg
pete's family with HJ.jpg
Mom&Dad weddingday.jpg
Mom&Dad weddingday.jpg
2003 family reunion.jpg
2003 family reunion.jpg