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Steven Noyes | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images Winter 2007 > Things my Brother Makes
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Winter 2007 Steven Noyes/Gary Noyes

Things my Brother Makes


This is not meant to be a photographic master-piece (still working out the studio/hi-key thing as you can tell. LONG LONG ways to go) but it is meant to show you some of the art work my brother does. He spends much of his free time playing with wood and of late has been working on making bowls on the lathe. This is one such example.

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Guest 08-Mar-2007 04:19
Steven Noyes18-Jan-2007 04:44
Guess that is what I get by staying logged into your computer:-)
Noiseacct18-Jan-2007 03:59
Opps, did not notice I was not logged in as myself, but as Steven.
Steven Noyes18-Jan-2007 03:58
Our brother does do beautiful work. I did not know about this one.
Robin Reid12-Jan-2007 23:47
This is a striking photograph. Hats off to both of you.