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Steven Noyes | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images Winter 2007 > Chandler : Tree in Fog
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Winter 2007 Steven Noyes

Chandler : Tree in Fog

Chandler, AZ

I have long wanted to capture this tree with its unique Canopy but it is in a small city park. I needed a way to eliminate the visual aspect of the houses and "city" like feel. When we had a heavy fog cover, I was hoping this would be a workable solution to this problem...

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Ali Majdfar03-Jan-2007 20:03
FAbulous mood, excellent shot. (V)
Webman0603-Jan-2007 04:39
Makes you want to daydream ! Great mood.
Happy new year to you Steven. May it be merry and healthfull.
Guest 03-Jan-2007 04:09
Beautiful atmospheric shot. The balanced composition and subdued palette really creates a deep serenity.