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Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> RECENT PHOTOS V > Portrait
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@2018 by Jerry Shpin / Tomasz Dziubinski


Warsaw, Poland

Photo: Jerry Shpin
Postprocessing: Tomasz Dziubinski

Nikon D5 ,Nikkor 85mm f/1.4 Ai-S
1/80s f/1.4 at 85.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Zoltán Balogh08-Jun-2023 06:02
Nice to see you, Tomasz - this is a great portrait! V
Eduard Lampe15-Apr-2023 11:31
Great portrait! V
Sue Anne Rush25-Aug-2021 20:22
Excellent. V
Matylda Lempel-Chareza Photography12-Feb-2019 18:09
beautiful work
bill friedlander30-Sep-2018 16:06
A very fine portrait. V
Pieter Bos03-Sep-2018 20:23
Excellent portrait! ~V
Jim's Atavistic Visions26-Jun-2018 17:54
Nice portrait Jerry. Did you edit it Tomasz?
Buz Kiefer21-Jun-2018 19:03
Excellent self portrait, Tomasz. Very nicely done. Vote.
Jola Dziubinska15-Jun-2018 22:16
Excellent. V.
Graeme12-Jun-2018 09:06
An outstanding portrait in monochrome of you, Tomasz.BV
Eduard Lampe11-Jun-2018 13:39
Wonderful portrait! BV
SLC_Images11-Jun-2018 01:33
Great portrait, like the detail and mono...vt!
Marcia Colelli09-Jun-2018 23:20
Excellent portrait. V
Pete Hemington09-Jun-2018 07:38
Excellent portrait
Paco López09-Jun-2018 05:22
Fantastic portrait! V!
woody3406-Jun-2018 23:33
A delightful portrait, ..V
Pieter Bos06-Jun-2018 22:00
Excellent portrait. ~V
John Vass06-Jun-2018 04:08
Looking good Tomasz!
Stephanie06-Jun-2018 00:52
Fabulous portrait of you Tomasz! V
laine05-Jun-2018 23:51
A very nice portrait. V
joseantonio05-Jun-2018 21:09
very nice work here.V.
Walter Otto Koenig05-Jun-2018 18:15
Great portrait. Nice job Jerry!
Jeff Real05-Jun-2018 17:57
It is a privilege to see the man behind all of the amazing photography!
Tom Munson05-Jun-2018 17:53
Terrific SP, Tomasz.
MarcViskens05-Jun-2018 17:45
Hi Tomasz
Beautiful portrait
fotabug05-Jun-2018 17:23
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)05-Jun-2018 15:51
Ciao Tomasz! V
Monte Stevens05-Jun-2018 14:37
Done very well!
Helen Betts05-Jun-2018 14:36
An excellent portrait, Tomasz. V.
danad05-Jun-2018 13:26
A fine portrait ! V.
Jim Coffman05-Jun-2018 13:19
A superb portrait of you, Tomasz!
Frank Tran05-Jun-2018 12:41
Beautiful portrait. V+