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...Pictured here are most of the engine components that make a RSR an "RSR" racing engine! Take a look...
ST / RSR Engine Photos
:: ST / RSR Engine Photos ::
911 RSR Marelli Twin-Plug Distributor (2.8 Liter)
:: 911 RSR Marelli Twin-Plug Distributor (2.8 Liter) ::
911 RSR BOSCH Twin-Plug Distributor (3.0 Liter)
:: 911 RSR BOSCH Twin-Plug Distributor (3.0 Liter) ::
Spark-Plug Wire Guide Brackets for Twin-Plug
:: Spark-Plug Wire Guide Brackets for Twin-Plug ::
:: BOSCH CDI Boxes 911 RSR ::
1973 Porsche 911 RSR High-Butterfly MFI (2.8 Liter)
:: 1973 Porsche 911 RSR High-Butterfly MFI (2.8 Liter) ::
1974 Porsche 911 RSR Slide-Valve MFI (3.0 Liter)
:: 1974 Porsche 911 RSR Slide-Valve MFI (3.0 Liter) ::
:: 911 RSR BOSCH MFI Pump ::
Bosch MFI Pump Support Arm
:: Bosch MFI Pump Support Arm ::
Bosch MFI Oil-Line
:: Bosch MFI Oil-Line ::
RSR Fuel Injection Line
:: RSR Fuel Injection Line ::
BOSCH Fuel Injectors 911 RSR
:: BOSCH Fuel Injectors 911 RSR ::
226mm Magnesium Fan and Housing
:: 226mm Magnesium Fan and Housing ::
911 RSR Fiberglass Engine Covers
:: 911 RSR Fiberglass Engine Covers ::
911 RSR 3.0 Liter Crankcase, Aluminum Sand-Cast
:: 911 RSR 3.0 Liter Crankcase, Aluminum Sand-Cast ::
Head-Studs Jackqueted
:: Head-Studs Jackqueted ::
Intermediate Shaft and Straight-Cut Gears
:: Intermediate Shaft and Straight-Cut Gears ::
Crankshaft Pulley 911 RSR
:: Crankshaft Pulley 911 RSR ::
70.4mm Factory Racing Crankshaft 911 RSR
:: 70.4mm Factory Racing Crankshaft 911 RSR ::
Nitrated RSR Crankshaft
:: Nitrated RSR Crankshaft ::
RSR Connecting Rods
:: RSR Connecting Rods ::
92mm MAHLE Piston & Cylinder Set
:: 92mm MAHLE Piston & Cylinder Set ::
Aluminum  Cylinder Racing Air Deflectors
:: Aluminum Cylinder Racing Air Deflectors ::
2.8 Liter 911 RSR Twin-Plug Heads
:: 2.8 Liter 911 RSR Twin-Plug Heads ::
3.0 Liter 911 RSR Twin-Plug Heads
:: 3.0 Liter 911 RSR Twin-Plug Heads ::
Gears RSR Racing - Camshafts
:: Gears RSR Racing - Camshafts ::
911 RSR Cam Towers, 47mm 4-Journals
:: 911 RSR Cam Towers, 47mm 4-Journals ::
2.8 Liter 911 RSR Center-Lube Camshafts
:: 2.8 Liter 911 RSR Center-Lube Camshafts ::
3.0 Liter 911 RSR Center-Lube Camshafts
:: 3.0 Liter 911 RSR Center-Lube Camshafts ::
Solid Rocker Arms 911 RSR
:: Solid Rocker Arms 911 RSR ::
Lash Caps
:: Lash Caps ::
Center-Lube Cam Housing Magnesium Covers
:: Center-Lube Cam Housing Magnesium Covers ::
CenterLube Cam Seals - Porsche 901.105.592.01
CenterLube Cam Seals - Porsche 901.105.592.01
Racing Oil-Filter Housing
:: Racing Oil-Filter Housing ::
Flywheel 911 RSR
:: Flywheel 911 RSR ::
Pressure Plate 911 RSR
:: Pressure Plate 911 RSR ::