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Welcome to the Porsche 911 RSR resource web page.
The main purpose of this site is to become a source of reliable reference material over time for anyone interested in the 73' and 74' model year Porsche 911 RSR. Since the 74' RS is so closely tied to the RSRs, I've decided to also include them here as well. I hope, in some way, this RSR site will assist some of you with similar RSR projects and restorations. As always, I greatly appreciate and would like to thank you for ALL your collective contributions, photos, and information. By the way, if you also enjoy and are interested in the 914-6 GT model race cars, you may not want to miss visiting this site as well as this other

BEWARE! For the "Porsche Enthusiast"... There are over 2,458 Mb of stored digital media, more than 11,150 images in over 958 individual photo galleries. Since Nov 20, 2005, these pages have been viewed more than 6,225,432 times!

Please don't forget to sign the "Guestbook" on the way out. Thank you and enjoy the visit.

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