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Julio Rodriguez | profile | all galleries >> Original Galleries 1959-1965 >> Individual Galleries >> Sylvia's Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sylvia's Gallery

Barry and Sylvia Byrnes (Kalbfleisch) donated these pictures.
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L-R, Gladys Milan, Sylvia, Hilda & Sylvia Milan, Eddie, Gloria, Pat in back, unknown, Bonnie, Brunilda, Merrele, Aida, Barry in back.
Birthday party

L-R, Gladys Milan, Sylvia, Hilda & Sylvia Milan, Eddie, Gloria, Pat in back, unknown, Bonnie, Brunilda, Merrele, Aida, Barry in back.

Dressed fro CCNY Costume party
Brunilda Feleciano

Dressed fro CCNY Costume party

Gloria Quintana and Mario Romero
Gloria Quintana and Mario Romero
She wore this costume for the party at CCNY, and, she managed to get lost in the subways with no money on her, dressed like this.
Merrele Early

She wore this costume for the party at CCNY, and, she managed to get lost in the subways with no money on her, dressed like this.

Brunilda dancing With Robert Bressan
Brunilda dancing With Robert Bressan
Per Aida, Gladys, Hilda and Sylvia Milan - You have all three sisters.  Gladys was exceptionally pretty and sweet.  
Agreed, then Joey, Dudley, Frank, Pat
Party pic

Per Aida, "Gladys, Hilda and Sylvia Milan - You have all three sisters. Gladys was exceptionally pretty and sweet. "
Agreed, then Joey, Dudley, Frank, Pat

Dudley hidden behind Roy then Barry to right and Joe Donaghy.
Party pic2

Dudley hidden behind Roy then Barry to right and Joe Donaghy.

To Joe, now you have it in color too.
St. Paul's Softball team

To Joe, now you have it in color too.

Sylvia, Sylvia & Gladys Milan, Paul, Gloria, Jack behind unknown but cute, Mille Ortiz, Pat, looking like Buddy Holly, Bressan and Aida.   Eddie K
Birthday party 2

Sylvia, Sylvia & Gladys Milan, Paul, Gloria, Jack behind unknown but cute, Mille Ortiz, Pat, looking like Buddy Holly, Bressan and Aida. Eddie K

Dennis and the melon
Dennis and the melon
This is a bed and breakfast that Barry and Sylvia run in New Mexico.  Great place, check it out.
Happy Trails brochure

This is a bed and breakfast that Barry and Sylvia run in New Mexico. Great place, check it out.

Bart's children Robyn on left, Megan on right
Sylvia and Barry's grandchildren

Bart's children Robyn on left, Megan on right

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