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Simon Vos | profile | all galleries >> North America >> Canada 2004 >> Bugaboos tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Beautiful Alpine Granite....

Enjoy the photos!
8th July  - Approach -
:: 8th July - Approach - ::
9th July - McTech Arete -
:: 9th July - McTech Arete - ::
10th July - Conrad Kain Route -
:: 10th July - Conrad Kain Route - ::
11th July - Rest Day -
:: 11th July - Rest Day - ::
12th July - Brenta and Eastpost Spires -
:: 12th July - Brenta and Eastpost Spires - ::
13th July - SW ridge of Snowpatch -
:: 13th July - SW ridge of Snowpatch - ::
14th July - West Ridge of Pigeon -
:: 14th July - West Ridge of Pigeon - ::
15th July - NE Ridge of Bugaboo Spire -
:: 15th July - NE Ridge of Bugaboo Spire - ::
16th July - Sunshine on Snowpatch Spire -
:: 16th July - Sunshine on Snowpatch Spire - ::
17th July - Ice climbing and leaving -
:: 17th July - Ice climbing and leaving - ::