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Fay Stout | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas

I have a friend who lives in Pennsylvania. I say a "friend"... I have not yet met her. She is a friend of a friend. We have been communicating by e-mail for quite some time and have many similar interests. She used to live in Texas (no, I did not know her at that time) and moved to the East coast. I lived on the East coast and moved to Texas.

I talked her into joining Pbase as she too loves photography. She recently came up with the idea of featuring the towns where we live. I definitely think she has an edge as the towns in Pennsylvania have a lot of charm compared to the "bedroom" communities of Dallas, but it sounded like a challenge.

I will post photos of Rowlett and Rockwall as I am equidistant from both and call them both my Texas "home" although my true home will always be Hunterdon County, N.J. where I lived most of my life.

Please welcome Stephanie to Pbase:

For those of you new to Pbase... just click on each individual photo to enlarge and to read more about the photo as well as to read any comments which may have been posted from all over the world. If you wish to see photos by a Pbase member who has made a comment, just click on their name and it will take you to their galleries. I know they would appreciate your comments as well.

I have tried to obtain verbal permission when taking a photo; however, many are from public events.

If you should find your photo on this site and wish it to be removed, please just e-mail me at:

In this gallery I would like to promote Rowlett, Rockwall, and our community so the rest of the world can better understand our little area of Texas.
Many thanks to those of you who have given me permission to post your photos to the site and if you wish to leave any comments... it would be greatly appreciated!

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Coming through...
Coming through...
Cloud Nine Farrier Service
"Cloud Nine" Farrier Service
Rockwall, Texas
Rockwall, Texas
The patriotic barbershop...
The patriotic barbershop...
Rockwall Farmer's Market  (click to see more photos)
:: Rockwall Farmer's Market (click to see more photos) ::
Rockwall Dog Days of Summer 2009 (click to see more)
:: Rockwall Dog Days of Summer 2009 (click to see more) ::
Doggie Splash Day (click to see more)
:: Doggie Splash Day (click to see more) ::
Rowlett at Night     (click to see more)
:: Rowlett at Night (click to see more) ::
Rockwall at Night (click to see more)
:: Rockwall at Night (click to see more) ::
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