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Fay Stout | profile | all galleries >> Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas >> Rockwall Dog Days of Summer 2009 (click to see more) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Rockwall Dog Days of Summer 2009 (click to see more)

As I approach the farmer's market on Saturday, I hear a little more activity than usual... an occasional bark... and the arrival of many four-legged friends! From 8AM to 12noon there will be contests for: best dressed, best tail-wagger, best kisser, and best tricks. Come with me as the day unfolds. Following this we will attend Doggie Splash Day for more fun and games!

I would have liked to bring Barnum and Bailey (the pugs), but they don't take the heat too well and it is tough juggling two dogs and a camera...

Once again... if you find your photo here and wish to have it removed, please e-mail me at:

I have posted these photos in the spirit of community fun and hope you will share them with your friends. You are more than welcome to comment on any of the photos as a guest to this site. If you wish a response, please leave an e-mail where I may contact you. It is apparent that we have a lot of dog lovers here in Rockwall/Rowlett! Now enjoy, the dog days of summer...
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Now what's not to love about this patient pooch?
Now what's not to love about this patient pooch?
Hula Poodle
Hula Poodle
So many dogs... big and small, and they all got along well!
So many dogs... big and small, and they all got along well!
Hello!  Do I know you?
Hello! Do I know you?
Lookin' good!
Lookin' good!
Here comes Elvis!
Here comes Elvis!
Pink is definitely your color!
Pink is definitely your color!
Don't it make my brown eyes blue...
"Don't it make my brown eyes blue..."
Happy Birthday, Pepper!
Happy Birthday, Pepper!
Look, Pepper... Mama got me a pink neckerchief!
Look, Pepper... Mama got me a pink neckerchief!
Hey!  Would you turn around so I can take your picture!
Hey! Would you turn around so I can take your picture!
Beware the papparazzi!
Beware the papparazzi!
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