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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> 2016... A Year of Change > Be My Guest
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Be My Guest

Ever so slowly life is becoming a bit more normal as I unpack boxes and begin to decorate the house.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/40s f/7.1 at 35.0mm iso6400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Buba Jafarli15-Jul-2016 15:58
I am so glad to see this, dear Fay! This is a very good sign - positive changes have come after the so many challenging months! Congratulations! V.
Stephanie13-Jul-2016 09:46
Nice that life is beginning to return to normal Fay!
Martin Lamoon13-Jul-2016 05:44
Wonderful to see you are settling in, flowers always help!
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