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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas > Main Street, Rowlett
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Main Street, Rowlett

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
1/250s f/3.4 at 6.5mm iso160 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Betti 01-Apr-2011 17:31
I love this photo. Adorable town.
XiaoBernard9913-Aug-2009 05:13
I take my horse and my guns and I go to see this street!So Texas as I imagine in my little head.
Guest 10-Aug-2009 19:33
Lovely shot......beautiful! v
Guest 10-Aug-2009 19:03
This is such a great place for pics. I have gone down on Bike night for a photo shoots too.
Mairéad10-Aug-2009 15:17
This looks really quaint.
Stephanie10-Aug-2009 15:03
This is adorable! Looks as though you live in a charming town! Where's the hitching post & horses???
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