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Rowlett, Texas

The first post office was opened on April 5, 1880 and was named Morris for Postmaster Austin Morris. The name was later changed to Rowlett, recognizing Rowlett Creek, a major tributary of the east fork of the Trinity River. Railroads began to spread westward after the Civil War bringing new waves of settlers. The roots of many Texas towns were a railroad and a cotton gin. The Greenville & Dallas Railroad reached Rowlett in 1889. By the turn of the century, Rowlett was a thriving farm community, with many stores and services along with its own school and churches.

In 1921 the Bankhead Highway, the second transcontinental paved highway in America, reached Rowlett. It ran from Washington D.C. to San Diego. The city of Rowlett was incorporated in 1952 by a vote of 84 citizens.

In the 1960's Interstate Highway 30 was built providing a more direct route to Dallas, bypassing Rowlett. The completion of Lake Ray Hubbard in 1971 made Rowlett a lakefront community and growth became inevitable. From a population of 5,100 in 1978, Rowlett has grown to 50,000 today.

This information was taken from the Rowlett website:

Canon EOS 40D
1/640s f/16.0 at 30.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
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Barbara Charous 10-Apr-2012 10:31
Hope you'll come back to Flemington and take some historicalpics. Barbara C.
Ali Majdfar24-Aug-2009 09:36
Superb capture, ~V
Guest 06-Aug-2009 16:53
Wonderful composition and color! V
Stephanie03-Aug-2009 12:24
Interesting clock. I've never been to Rowlett, so it will be fun to see this town unfold in pixels.
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