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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas > The Menu...
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The Menu...

We were warmly welcomed by Sharon who we found out was also the artist who did this most colorful menu. Truly a work of art and so easy to read. You come here for a good burger (although salads are also offered) and when offered "fries with that?", why not go for half fries and half onion rings (I never could make decisions). I hope you brought your appetite, 'cause there's a lot to eat!

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
1/20s f/4.0 at 11.4mm iso500 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 10-Aug-2009 19:05
Best burgers in Rowlett. You do need to be very hungry to eat a burger with fries. Good photo of the cute menu they have
Fay Stout10-Aug-2009 15:38
Perhaps you should choose a salad!
Stephanie10-Aug-2009 15:05
Heart attack on a plate :-)))
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