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Fay Stout | all galleries >> Galleries >> Rowlett and Rockwall, Texas > Welcome to Big Star Burgers
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Welcome to Big Star Burgers

Main Street, Rowlett is not a bustling metropolis. I counted three gift shops, a florist, a library, city hall, a farmer's market, landscaper, plumber, financial advisor, and refuse office. And then there is Big Star Burgers located in the former Rowlett Thrift Store. Following extensive renovations to this old building, it has become a cozy eclectic place to go for a really good burger (as in... it takes two hands) and awesome shoestring fried onion rings.

Check out their website at:

Canon PowerShot SX200 IS
1/160s f/4.5 at 21.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
Fay Stout10-Aug-2009 15:37
Come on down!
Stephanie10-Aug-2009 15:04
Let's do lunch!
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